North Ayrshire Green Health Partnership Blog February 2021

Hello everyone, David here. So, first of all apologies as I usually try to do a Blog every month at the moment, but I felt that the mood in January was not the best. Since the last Blog I had completed there was not as much to update on the work of the NA GHP in January. However! February has almost been and gone and we have a few updates for you all. Spring is almost sprung, and the days are getting lighter again. So what has been happening?

We are currently in the process of finalising the successful applicants and groups that were awarded funding for Green Health Development Fund 2020/2021. This is really exciting news as we have 10 projects that will deliver quality Green Health programmes for a variety of people around the communities of North Ayrshire for 2021. We will have a list of these groups up on our North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership Webpages soon. As well as a description of what their projects will bring to the natural environment and people of North Ayrshire.

We also have some good news that Green Health Week is going to be returning from the 8th to the 16th of May! Last year because of COVID-19 we had to cancel our plans, which was such a shame as we know this is a week where we can highlight the best of what Green Health has to offer to the people of North Ayrshire. However, this year to compensate it will be over a full week and the two weekends either side. So stick it in your diaries and be on the look out for information and events that will be taking place during that time.

I am also happy to announce that The Conservation Volunteers Community Network is going to be FREE up until the end of the year 2021! If you apply now you still get a full year free from when you start and you are not tied into it for the following year! Why wouldn’t you want to try it out. Well use this link to find out about the benefits. Your annual free membership entitles you to the following:

  • Discounted public liability and personal accident insurance.
  • Exclusive access to TCV’s Community Network website; created to provide our Community Network Members with the support they need in one, easy to access, place.
  • A range of discounts from TCV’s suppliers of tools, trees, seeds and equipment.
  • Funding Support – TCV can help groups find funding through Grantfinder or Chestnut Fund
  • Discounted access to our online conservation handbooks – the definitive guides to managing the countryside and green spaces.
  • As well as some other great benefits

On a final note, we said a fond farewell to a TCV and NA GHP colleague Adaica this week who has moved on to a new adventure and job. I know myself and everyone who has worked with Adaica will miss her energy, enthusiasm and passion for Green Health in North Ayrshire. We wish you all the best and will no doubt see you again in the future.

If you want to know more about the details of the Blog, TCV Community Network Membership or any of our wider GHP work get in contact with me on or 07773200525.