Hello everyone, David here doing my Blog for September. It is looking like Autumn is vastly approaching as we are quickly moving through 2021. I could feel the cold winds this week as I was outdoors – signalling a change in seasons.
A highlight for this month was visiting the various projects that had been awarded Green Health Development Funding from the GHP. I was able to meet some of these groups in person for the first time and chat about all the amazing work they have been doing to make a difference to the people and natural environment of North Ayrshire. I have some pictures below of an abilities gardening project at Barrmill Conservation Group. I visited staff from Café Solace and I learned about the projects they have been doing to help those who visit the café. I spoke with Ayrshire Children’s Services CIC and learned about the positive impact their new mobility bikes have had on the children accessing Greenspaces and outdoor activities. I also spoke with The Ayrshire Community Trust and looked at all the great work they have been doing as part of the Eglinton Collective at Eglinton Community Garden. I was so thrilled to see all of the funds in action and see the difference it has made to people.

There are more Green Health opportunities than ever before in North Ayrshire, some restrictions are still in place depending on the groups capacity. If you want to know what Green Health opportunities are available where you are then get in touch with me at d.meechan@tcv.org.uk or 07773 200525.
We also had our Green Health Network on Wednesday the 22nd of September. We were joined by 2 of our Community Link Workers from North Ayrshire as they delivered a workshop on Mental Health Improvement a Practical Approach. This was a great opportunity to learn more about mental health issues and how we can all take steps to maintain good mental health and wellbeing. It was a very practical approach to utilising steps that could be shared and used within a Green Health context – either for leaders of groups or spotting issues with group members. All in attendance gave very positive feedback on the session and were thankful for our Community Link Workers delivering it.
Our GHP Green Health Network runs every 3 to 4 months and is an opportunity for likeminded individuals or community groups to come together and share their knowledge, help support local community groups our expand their network with Green Health. We welcome all to come along to listen about updates on funding, training or opportunities in North Ayrshire or to communicate. If you want to know more about it then get in touch with me on d.meechan@tcv.org.uk or 07773 200525.
If you want to know more about our Green Health Development Funded Groups, Green Health opportunities or the details of the Blog, get in contact with me on d.meechan@tcv.org.uk or 07773 200525.