
The North Ayrshire Green Health Partnership works closely with Health and Social Care to mainstream Green Health into pathways for people to improve their Health and Wellbeing.
There are multiple ways in which health and social care professionals can utilise Green Health to improve patients/clients/service users to improve their health and wellbeing. Whether it be socially prescribing or encourage self-referral as a lot of Green Health opportunities are open to the public. Alternatively they can be referred to KA Leisure’s Active North Ayrshire (ANA) referral programme. There are several options across North Ayrshire that include walking, Nordic, walking, cycling, gardening and food growing, practical conservation and much more.
If you want to know more about Green Health opportunities in North Ayrshire please utilise our Events Calendar.
NAGHP Resources
The following resources have been designed for professionals to increase awareness of the benefits of green health activity for the people they work with. Maintaining good physical and mental wellbeing is vital for everyone both in preventing ill health but also in recovery and for those with long term conditions.
Nature based activity alone or as part of a group can have a huge impact on our overall physical and mental wellbeing and best of all, it is often free.
Green Health Calendar – This resource can be shared with the people you work with, it includes a variety of accessible ideas for individuals, families or groups to explore their local greenspaces and enjoy all year round. No matter your capabilities people should find a list of activities throughout the year to help them get outside and exploring the fantastic greenspaces and wildlife of North Ayrshire. If you require physical copies for the people you work with please get in touch.
Health Professional Film – Above details some of the benefits of green health activity, including some personal stories from individuals who have participated in green health activities, health professionals who refer to local programmes and how to refer via Active North Ayrshire.
NOTE: If the person you are working with does not require any physical assessment to participate in green health activities you can directly get in touch with the North Ayrshire Green Health Partnership Senior Project Officer who can speak to individuals about opportunities near to them. If you want to know more about Green Health opportunities in North Ayrshire please utilise our Events Calendar.
National Resources
A range of resources and evidence for green health based activities can be sourced via the Our Natural Health Service webpages including a leaflet for Health Professionals detailing the benefits for individuals.
Our Natural Health Service | NatureScot Health Professional leaflet